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ZJU-UoE Forum(BioMed-X)

Dean of ZJU-UoE INSTITUTE, Vice Dean of Zhejiang University School of Medicine
National talent project winners and national "young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions", new century talents of the Ministry of education, leading talents of Zhejiang provincial talent plan, Zhejiang "151" project and other talent projects; He has won 100 excellent doctoral theses from the Ministry of education, national Baosteel excellent teachers, first prize of Natural Science in Zhejiang Province, special prize of teaching achievements in Zhejiang Province, special prize of educational achievements of Zhejiang Graduate Education Association, nomination award of Yongping teaching contribution award of Zhejiang University, first prize of high-quality teaching of Zhejiang University, etc. In recent years, Prof. Ke has successively won the 973 Program of the Ministry of science and technology, protein major, national key R & D program, etc. He has presided over five key and general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. the main representative research results are in science, cell research, J exp Med, J extract vectors, cell mol Immunol Nature communications and other academic journals.
Academician of Australian Academy of Science
James Whelan is a world leading expert in mitochondrial biology in plants, from biogenesis to function, mitochondrial signaling and the role of mitochondria in plant growth, development and stress resistance. His work on “Plant Energy Biology” has changed how plant metabolism is viewed in terms of resource partitioning for growth and stress responses。
James Whelan has secured more than $AUD 100 million in competitive research grant funding, published more than 270 journal articles with a h-index of 95. In 2016 and 2022 he was named as a Thompson Reuters Highly Cited Author. He was listed by the American Society of Plant Biology as one of the top 50 cited authors in the world in Plant Biology (2009、2015) . He was recently awarded Kun Peng Fellowship from the Zhejiang government and Yangtze fellowship from the central government (2022).
Director of Institute of Biochemistry, College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University
Dr. Caiyong Chen received his PhD degree at the University of Maryland, College Park and his postdoctoral training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He joined Zhejiang University as a professor in 2014. Dr. Chen’s research focuses on elucidating new mechanisms that control iron uptake, heme homeostasis, and red cell development.
Assistant Professor and Principle Investigator in ZJE
Dr. Chan obtained his PhD in Biological Sciences at the University of Hull, UK in 2008. Upon graduation, he continued working at his PhD lab as a Wellcome Postdoctoral fellow for 2 years continuing his work on Trypanosome research. In 2010, he moved to the CRUK Manchester Institute at the University of Manchester where we worked with Prof. Iain Hagan to study the role of the eukaryotic centrosome in regulating the cell cycle, using fission yeast as a model organism. In 2018, he joined Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh (ZJE) as a tenure track Assistant Professor, establishing his independent research group to study the impact of centrosomal abnormalities on cell cycle deregulation in cancer.
Assistant Professor and Principle Investigator in ZJE
In 2016, Dr.Yuan graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in biomedical engineering, and then joined the Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology (CCMB) at the University of Southern California as a postdoc. He became senior research associate in 2020. In December 2021, he joined ZJE as an assistant professor. The research interest of the laboratory is craniofacial development, neural crest cell regulation and homeostasis, tissue repair and regeneration.
“New Hundred Talents Program” Principal Investigator in the School of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University,
Dr. Yong Wang was an assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen before he joined Zhejiang University in July of 2021. He holds BSc degrees in Computer Science (minor) and Chemistry (major) from Jilin University and an MSc degree in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His work during this period focused on answering basic biophysical problems e.g. in the areas of protein folding, intrinsically disordered proteins, and large-scale conformational changes in folded proteins using coarse-grained models and enhanced sampling methods. In 2013 he move to Denmark to pursuit his PhD in Biochemistry under the supervision of Kresten Lindorff-Larsen and obtained the degree at the end of 2016. His lab has wide international collaborations with experimental groups by integrating e.g. HDX mass spectrometry, NMR, CryoEM, and SAXS experimental data with molecular simulations and modeling.
Professor in Zhejiang University School of Medicine; Assistant Dean of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medical
Assistant Professor in ZJE and Academic-Track Lecturer, The University of Edinburgh
Dr. Rob Young is a tenure track lecturer at the Zhejiang University – University of Edinburgh Institute and at Edinburgh University’s Usher Institute. He obtained his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2012 and carried out postdoctoral research at the MRC Human Genetics Unit, MRC IGMM at the University of Edinburgh. His research integrates genomics and population-wide datasets to understand how variation outside gene borders within the noncoding genome drives complex phenotypes and disease. He has a particular focus on promoters, which are noncoding regulatory loci responsible for regulating gene expression initiation and which are significantly enriched for phenotype-associated variants. He has also identified that promoters experience pervasive evolutionary volatility and is interested in what this rewiring can tell us about how variation across individuals, populations and species arises and is regulated.
Assistant Professor in ZJE and Academic-Track Lecturer, The University of Edinburgh
Dr. Richard Sloan is a tenure track lecturer at the Zhejiang University - University of Edinburgh Institute and at the University of Edinburgh. Richard obtained his PhD degree from University College London (UCL) in 2007 and then undertook postdoctoral research at the McGill University AIDS Centre in Montreal. He started his own lab at Barts and The London School of Medicine in 2013, before moving up to Edinburgh University to continue his research in the Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine. His research is in the field of intracellular innate immunity and seeks to understand how retroviruses such as HIV can be controlled by innate immune factors. More recently, he has also become interested in how endogenous retroelements in the human genome, such as LINE-1, may be similarly controlled by innate immune factors as occurs with infectious retroviruses like HIV. Collectively, this research may pave the way for new forms of antiviral therapy, provide molecular understanding of immunity and host cell biology, as well as explain patterns of patient disease susceptibility or retroviral zoonosis.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
Dr.Bing Li graduates from University of Cambridge and currently works as Postdoc research fellow supporting by EPSRC grant. Under the supervision of Prof Sir David Klenerman, who is the fellow of Royal society and the founder of second generation DNA sequencing, Bing Li’ research focuses on the development of advanced live cell 3D imaging technology, local delivery and intracellular injection system and their application in neuroinflammation and T cell-cancer cell interaction. Furthermore, Bing is also working on the transformation from scientific research to Entrepreneurship. He founded the technology start-up company, Campixel limited, to commercialize single objective light-sheet microscopes and live cell micro & nano manipulating systems.
Research Leader at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge University
Buzz studied Biochemistry at the University of Oxford and obtained his PhD studying the cell division cycle with Paul Nurse at CRUK's London Research Institute. In 1997, as a postdoctoral researcher, he joined Norbert Perrimon’s lab at Harvard Medical School, where he explored the control of cell shape and polarity in flies and in fly cells in culture using RNAi screening. Buzz returned to London in 2001 to establish his own group focused on understanding the mechanics, regulation and role of cell shape changes during cell division, development, and tumorigenesis. Then, in 2014, after proposing the “inside-out model" with his cousin David Baum as a possible explanation for the origin of eukaryotic cell organisation, the realisation that many of the core machines involved in eukaryote cell shape control were likely inherited from archaea led his team to shift its focus to questions of deep evolution. In 2020 he moved to the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, where his team is using archaea as model systems in which to identify and characterise conserved molecular and cellular processes that underpin eukaryotic cell biology in the hope of shedding new light on our evolutionary origins - putting the ‘inside-out model of eukaryogenesis” to the test.
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Tony Green studied medicine (University of Cambridge and University College Hospital, London), subsequently trained in haematology (Royal Free Hospital and Cardiff) and gained his PhD studying oncogenic retroviruses (ICRF, London 1987). Following a post-doctoral period studying haematopoiesis at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (Melbourne), he moved to Cambridge in 1991 as a Wellcome Trust Clinical Senior Fellow and Honorary Consultant Haematologist. He was appointed Professor of Haemato-oncology in the University of Cambridge in 1999, served as Head of the University Department of Haematology from 2000-2020, and served as Director of the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute from 2016 until 2022.

His early research explored the transcriptional control of normal blood stem cells and more recently the mechanisms by which such stem cells are subverted to cause haematological malignancies, using the myeloproliferative neoplasms as a tractable model. In work which spans basic, translational and clinical research he identified key causal mutations, described their biological consequences, led practice-changing clinical studies and discovered basic mechanisms of broad relevance for both cancer biology and cytokine signalling.

Tony has held multiple academic, clinical and educational leadership roles, both nationally and internationally, has been appointed to visiting professorships at several universities, was elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (2001) and President of the European Haematology Association (2015-2017). Recent awards include the Jean Bernard Award by the European Haematology Association (2020) and the Donald Metcalf award by the International Society for Experimental Hematology (2021).
Prof. Ben Lehner is a Senior Group Leader in the Human Genetics program, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Co-founder and co-chair of EMBL-CRG Barcelona Collaboratorium for Modelling and Predictive Biology. He is also an ICREA Professor and Coordinator of the Systems and Synthetic Biology Program at the Centre for Genetic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain. His main interest is in transforming biology into a quantitative and predictive engineering science. Over the years, his lab has addressed many important questions in genetics including mutation interactions, incomplete penetrance, the importance of developmental noise and inter- and trans-generational epigenetic inheritance, etc. His innovative and groundbreaking research has been highly recognised and he was awarded many prestigious prizes, including The Eppendorf Award, The Genetics Society Balfour Prize, EMBO Gold Medal, and in 2017 he has become an EMBO Member.

ZJU-UIUC Forum (Engineering+)

Professor,Foreign Member of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Zichun Le received the Ph.D. degree in optical engineering from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, in 1997. She worked with Oxford University, England; the University of Bielefeld, Germany; the University of Iowa, USA; and Chonnam National University. She is currently a Second-Grade Professor with the Zhejiang University of Technology, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. She is also the Director of the Joint International Research Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Technology of Zhejiang Province and the Head of the Department of Optical Engineering.
She has rich international cooperative researching experience. She is the author of more than 100 scientific works, including six monographs and more than 100 patents. Her current research interests include optics and photonics, optical communications, and signal processing.
Assistant Professor/Assistant Dean
Dr. Hu earned the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees at Tsinghua University in China, and obtained his Ph.D. in the ECE department working with Prof. William P. King in 2014. He then joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a postdoctoral research scientist for almost 3 years. He has led projects in both academia and industry, resulting to 41 peer-reviewed journal papers published in 22 international-recognized journals covering engineering, mechanics, chemistry and biology. Moreover, he has filed 26 US patent disclosures (16 patents granted) and 6 Chinese patents (3 granted). One of the Chinese patent was converted to a start-up company. He is interested in advanced nanomanufacturing, bio-inspired sensing, micro/nano-sensors, lab on chip. He is now leading the Nanomanufacturing and Biomimetics Research Group at ZJUI.

Research Professor

Dr. Hao-Cheng Yang received Bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees in Polymer Science from Zhejiang University in 2012 and 2017, under the supervision of Prof. Zhi-Kang Xu. Then he completed his postdoc research at Argonne National Laboratory and became an Associate Professor at Sun Yat-sen University in 2018. He joined the Department of Polymer Science & Technology at Zhejiang University in 2022. His group focuses on the surface and interface engineering of polymer membranes for sustainable uses. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers with >6000 citations, and his H-index is 41. He also serves as an Editorial Board Member of Adv. Energy Sustain. Res. and Sustain. Horizon.

Research Professor

Shaofei Song, Ph.D., Research Professor of Zhejiang University 100 talents project. He graduated from Zhejiang University in the year of 2018. His work mainly focused on catalyzed polymerization for polyolefins and their functionalization. Then he went to University of Toronto as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Mitchell A. Winnik Group. He majored the work on self-assembly of block copolymers and preparation of functional nanomaterials based on polymers.

Research Professor

Dr. Li got his B.E. Degree at Zhejiang University and M.S. Degree at Fudan University. Dr. Li then enrolled in Carnegie Mellon University and received his PhD degree in Chemistry. Dr Li worked as postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University in recent three years. Dr Li has made original contributions of major significance to the field of Nanochemistry, Nanomaterials and 3D Nanoprinting. Dr Li has published several influetial papers, including the recent paper on the 3D nanoprinting in Science.


Qiang Yang (M’03-SM’18) received Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from Queen Mary, University of London, London, U.K., in 2007 and worked in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London, U.K., from 2007 to 2010. He visited the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria Canada as a visiting scholar in 2015 and 2016. He is currently a full Professor at the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, and has published more than 240 technical papers, filed 70 national patents, co-authored 2 books, and edited 2 books and several book chapters. His research interests over the years include smart energy systems, large-scale complex network modeling, control and optimization, learning based optimization and control. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS), a Senior Member of IEEE, IET and the Senior Member of China Computer Federation (CCF).


Dr. Zuyi Li is currently Qiushi Distinguished Professor at the School of Electrical Egineering, Zhejiang University. He was a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, and the Associate Director of the Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation at IIT. His research interests include economic and secure operation of electric power systems, microgrid and smart grid, and renewable energy integration. He co-led the design, implementation, and operation of the IIT Microgrid, the world’s first campus microgrid. Zuyi Li received the B.S. degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1995, the M.S. degree from Tsinghua University in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree from Illinois Institute of Technology in 2002, all in electrical engineering.

Associate Professor

Kai Wang is an Associate Professor at China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before, he received the PhD from University of Hong Kong in 2017 and worked as a Research Fellow at University College London from 2017 to 2022. His research interests include urban climate modelling and design, ventilation and air quality, climate risk mitigation and adaptation, etc.

Associate Professor

Dr. Shenglan Xiao is an associate professor of School of Public Health (Shenzhen), Sun Yat-sen University. She obtained her PhD at the University of Hong Kong and was a Post-doctoral Fellow at HKU before she joined Sun Yat-sen University. Her research interests include environment studies of disease transmission and infection control in indoor environments. She is the PI of 5 research projects. She has published over 30 SCI papers, including 9 JCR Q1 papers as first or corresponding authors, with over 1500 citations in Google Scholar. She serves as the Guest Editor of Frontiers in Public Health, and reviewers for multiple journals. She received Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community service from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for her outstanding contribution to the fight against COVID-19 in 2021.

Former Deputy Chief Engineer of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Chief Chief Engineer of Dongfeng Motor Corporation Technology Center, Chief Scientist of Dongfeng Yuexiang Technology Co., Ltd.

Bachelor and Master of Automotive Engineering Department of Tsinghua University; Doctor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, University of London, UK.
Dr. CHEN Gan engaged in vehicle development and research for more than 30 years, focusing on vehicle dynamics, structural dynamics and simulation analysis. In the past 10 years, the main work is the research on the development of automotive technology strategy. He participated in and presided over the formulation of the 12th, 13th and 14th Five Year Technology Development Plans of Dongfeng Motor Corporation's Technology Center, and participated in the preparation of two automobile new technology R&D enterprises that have a significant impact on the entire automobile industry: China Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (Beijing) Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and China Automative Innovation Corporation.
Expert of the Evaluation Committee of Science and Technology Award Working Committee of China Society of Automotive Engineers; Vice Chairman of NVH Branch of China Society of Automotive Engineers, Vice Chairman of Technical Committee of Chassis Branch; Vice Chairman of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (Vehicle Dynamics); Member of Hubei Provincial Expert Advisory Committee on the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province; National Distinguished Expert, Hubei Provincial Distinguished Expert; An expert of "Special Government Allowance of the State Council."

Vice President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence

Dr. ZHANG Lei is responsible for the construction of Alibaba Cloud's industrial intelligent core technology system, the research and development of products and solutions in industries such as city brain, transportation logistics, automobile and autonomous driving cloud, and natural resources, as well as the overall operation and management of the transportation and logistics industry. Before joining Alibaba Cloud, Dr. Zhang served as a full professor, and an outstanding chair professor in a world-renowned university, the Director of the National Smart City Big Data Center, and the Dean of the Scientific Research Institute of Transportation; He has published many monographs and more than 300 international top journals and top conference papers in big data driven urban planning, transportation, industrial digitalization, complex system analysis and other professional fields. Dr. Zhang has served as the Secretary General of the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research, the academic chairman of the Transport and Logistics Branch of the International Association of Operations Research and Management and has won several heavyweight international scientific research awards.

ZIBS Forum

Prof. CHIU is a professor at SAIF, Shanghai Jiaotong University. She holds a doctorate degree in finance from Wharton School, the University of Pennsylvania.
Prof. Chiu has been involved in research as well consulting projects in green finance, ESG investing, sustainability rating, impact investing, corporate governance, and corporate social responsibility with companies, government agencies, and security exchanges.
Prof. Chiu has authored and edited books in sustainable finance, ESG investing, ESG rating, corporate governance, corporate finance, and business ethics, and has published research paper in academic journals such as the Management Review, and the Journal of Business Ethics.
Prof. Chiu teaches courses at the MF, MBA, EMBA, and DBA levels and has won numerous teaching awards over the past decade. In addition, she has developed teaching cases for the Harvard Business Publishing.
Prof. Chiu serves as an independent director on the board of numerous for-profit corporations, and also sits on several not-for-profit boards. She was a founding member of the Business Ethics Advancement Council in the Greater China, and a co-founder of the Sustainable Finance Forum.
Dr. SUN Wenguang is a professor of Statistics in the Center for Data Science at Zhejiang University (ZJU, 2022-present). Before coming to ZJU, he was a faculty member in the Department of Data Sciences and Operations (the Statistics group) in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (Professor 2021-2012, Associate Professor with tenure 2015-2021, Assistant Professor 2011-2015) in Los Angeles, California. Before going to USC, he was assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at the North Carolina State University (2008-2011), Raleigh, North Carolina. He once worked under the supervision of Professor T. Tony Cai from the Wharton School to complete his PhD (Biostatistics, 2003-2008) at the University of Pennsylvania. He obtained his BS degree (Probability and Statistics, 1999-2003) at Peking University, China.
His research interests include large-scale multiple testing, selective inference, empirical Bayes methods, conformal inference, fairness in machine learning, transfer learning and statistical decision theory.
“Hundred Talent Program Young Professor”, Associate Professor
Dr Yupei Zhao is an “Hundred Talent Program Young Professor” and doctorial tutor in college of Media and International Culture in Zhejiang University. She is chair-elected of International Communication Association Popular Media and Culture Division, Director of Virtual Reality and Digital Culture Research Center in College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University (PRC), director of Cultural Creativity of Metaverse Industry Research Center in International Business School at Zhejiang University, Co-chair of APRU game and eSports research working group.Her research interests widely includes mixed-methods use to examine digital culture and platformalization, global communication, media culture and industry.
Dr. David Wen is a professor of ZIBS and the executive director at the International Research Center for FinTech Security. His current work is to build future digital financial infrastructure using “Digital Value”, a term he coined to represent all types of digital assets in the digital economy. After obtaining his Ph.D from Oxford University, he has worked at NTT Communication Science Laboratory in Japan, before appointed the youngest Associate Professor in Tokyo Science University. While visiting Stanford University as a visiting professor, he worked on Department of Defense’s Common Access Card (CAC) program and later joined HID as chief security architect oversaw the entire Federal Identity Management products and deployment. He later took up position of Chief Scientist at Dell and SAIC, both Fortune 500 companies, managing the deployment of US Federal Government’s Personal Identification and Verification (PIV) program at NASA, DHS, and FDA etc. In September 2011, he co-founded eCurrency Mint Ltd, the first silicon valley company to provide Central Bank Digital Currency solution globally. He helped coin the term Digital Fiat Currency working as the US expert to ISO Technical Committee 68 (SC 2) for digital currency security, and was elected chairman of the International Telecommunication Union’s Focus Group on Digital Fiat Currency, working with central banks and telecom regulators from People’s Bank of China as well as over 40 Central Banks around the world. He co-authored the first “Digital Legal Currency” book published by People’s Finance Publisher and is used as textbook for graduate studies. He is currently working with a few Central Banks in developing countries using “World Change” as the new digital financial infrastructure in practice.
Associate Professor
Dr. Wan Feng is an Associate Professor of ZIBS. Prior to joining ZIBS, he has worked at Beijing Normal University and University of East Anglia. His research interests include innovation management, industrial clusters, and competitive strategies. He has published in Management International Review、Technovation、Technological Forecasting & Social Change, among others.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Linan Lei is an Assistant Professor of Innovation and Strategy at Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS), China. Dr. Lei has been engaged in the research on the catch-up and beyond of hidden champions in manufacturing under the context of digitalization and globalization. Dr. Lei has lead research projects granted by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Ministry of Science and Technology, China. She has published articles in Management and Organization Review, Asian Business & Management, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, among others.
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor Yuanqi Li graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor’s degree in Basic Science of Mathematical and Physics, and a Ph.D. in Finance from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University. He was in charge of FOF macro strategy research in the Asset Management Department of China International Capital Corporation. He has participated in the research work of the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. His research interests include financial technology, green finance, behavioral finance, and business models.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Yiwei Wang is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS), China. He obtained his Ph.D. from UC Irvine, Paul Merage School of Business, and his bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley, department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. His research uses field experiments, causal inference, and applied economic modelling to study consumer behaviors and operations management problems in online and brick-and-mortar retail settings. His research has been accepted at the journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. He currently serves as the Ad Hoc reviewer for Management Science.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Lingli Luo is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS), China. She has received her PhD from University of New South Wales. Within the area of strategic management, her research interests are focused on behavioral strategy, organizational aspirations, status and reputation. She has published in the Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Ethics, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, among others. She also serves as an editorial board member of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Jia Jia Lim is an Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management & Sustainability at Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS), China. She uses qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the intersections between new technologies and collaboration relationship between firms for sustainability. Within the area of supply chain management and sustainability, she has published in International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research and International Journal of Production Economics. She also served as editorial review board member at Journal of Supply Chain Management and reviewer at Industrial Management and Data Systems.
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dong ZHOU currently holds a position as a Postdoctoral Associate at International Business School, Zhejiang University (ZIBS). He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University (2015). Prior to joining ZIBS, he has worked as a Lecturer of Finance at School of Economics, Zhejiang University of Technology, where he has conducted research activities in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and FinTech with a special research interest focus on machine learning for quantitative investing. He has published 12 papers in journals and conferences proceedings, while 17 patent applications were granted in China for his novel research efforts. He is currently a Member of Professional Committee of Natural Computing and Digital Intelligent City, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI).
Post-doctoral Fellow
Dr. LIANG Tian is a post-doctoral fellow at International Business School Zhejiang University.She got her Ph.D in Technology Management from Taiwan Tsinghua University (Hsinchu,Taiwan)in 2022. Her research focuses on university technology transfer as well as organization entrepreneurial behavior.

Emerging optoelectronic and energy devices

Research Professor

Wee-Liat Ong received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, USA. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University, USA before joining Zhejiang University-University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Institute, China as a tenure-track associate professor. His research group uses both experimental and simulation techniques to study thermal transport phenomena at the nanoscale as well as other problems pertaining to energy conversion. He has co-authored 20+ papers, including several in Nature Materials, Advanced Science, and ACS Nano.

Research Professor

Xingliang Dai, PhD, researcher of Zhejiang University. In 2012 and 2017, he obtained the bachelor's degree and doctor's degree from Zhejiang University, respectively. In 2020, he joined the semiconductor film group in Zhejiang University, focusing on the research of quantum dots materials and solution-processed light-emitting diodes (LEDs). His research achievements won the top ten scientific progress and important achievements in optics in China in 2014. A chapter titled "Solution Technology and Preparation of Light Emitting Devices" was compiled and included in the national planning textbook "Semiconductor Thin Film Technology and Physics" (third edition). At the same time, TCL, BOE, Samsung Electronics and other display manufacturers paid extensive attention to his research. In SID speech, Mr. Dongsheng Li, the chairman of TCL, specifically mentioned the Chinese power we contributed to the display industry, which strongly promoted the industrialization process of quantum dot printing display. To date, He has published research in journals including Nature、Nature Commun.、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、ACS Energy Lett. as the first/corresponding author (including co-authors) and directed the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, and the Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He has been selected into the 7th "Youth Talent Promotion Project" of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and the Qizhen Outstanding Young Scholars of Zhejiang University.

Postdoc, Zhejiang University

Dr. Yunzhou Deng received his Ph.D in chemistry from Zhejiang University in 2021. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at Zhejiang University and will further his research at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. Yunzhou’s research interest is on the fundamental processes in the solution-processed light-emitting diodes. His research involves advanced spectroscopy and numerical simulations, addressing the exciton-generation dynamics and the efficiency-loss mechanisms in the electroluminescence of quantum dots. He has published research on high-impact journals, including Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, and npj Flexible Electronics as the first/corresponding author (including co-authors). He is also directing the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

Research Professor, Hangzhou Dianzi University

Dexin Yang received his B.Sc. in 2012 and Ph.D. in 2016 from China University of Geosciences (Beijing). He was a visiting student at the University of Cambridge, UK (2014–2015), a postdoctoral research fellow from 2019 to 2021 and a visiting scholar from 2021 to 2022 at DAWEI group at Zhejiang University. He is currently an associate professor at Hangzhou Dianzi University, China. His research concerns the roles of strain and elastic relaxation in functional materials, as well as the phase transition, ferroelasticity, magnetic and optoelectronic properties of perovskite semiconductors. He has published 23 papers as first or corresponding authors, including Nat. Commun., Phys. Rev. B and Adv. Funct. Mater.

Research Professor

Dr. Meng Zhang is a ZJU100 Young Professor in the College of Optical Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University, China. She received her PhD degree in Engineering Thermophysics from Zhejiang University in 2016. She subsequently worked as a Research Scientist/ Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Georgia Institute of technology during 2017-2022. Her research interests are centered on optoelectronic devices for solar energy conversion and storage, which represents an interdisciplinary study, including optoelectronics, energy, materials science and chemistry etc. Her current work focuses on the third-generation solar cells and solar fuel production. In the recent 5 years, she has published >20 SCI-indexed journal papers, among which she is the first author or corresponding author for >10 papers. Her papers are published on well-known journals, such as Advanced Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, etc. She serves as the Community Board for Materials Horizons. She is frequently invited to review papers for many journals, including Nano Energy, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, and Materials Horizons.

staff scientist, Westlake University

Dr. Runchen Lai now serves as a staff scientist in the spectroscopy laboratory of the Instrumentation and Service Center for Molecular Science (ISCMS) of Westlake University since Sep. 2022. Prior to joining Westlake University, she earned her PhD degree from Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, where she studied the synthesis of colloidal quantum dots and the growth kinetics of nanocrystals in solution. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. During her postdoctoral fellowship, she mainly focused on the excited-state dynamics in photoelectric conversion systems based on novel semiconductor materials, such as quantum dots and perovskites, using time-resolved spectroscopy

Musculoskeletal System

excellent young scientist foundation of NSFC,Deputy Director of Medical Engineering Institute of Shenzhen Advanced Academy of Sciences, Executive Director of Translational Medical Center, excellent young scientist foundation of NSFC,Deputy Director of Medical Engineering Institute of Shenzhen Advanced Academy of Sciences, Executive Director of Translational Medical Center,
Yuxiao Lai is a researcher and doctoral supervisor. Recipient of the National Natural Outstanding Youth Fund. Deputy Director of the Institute of Medical Engineering, Shenzhen Advanced Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Executive Director of the Center for Translational Medicine, Director of Guangdong Biomedical Materials Additive Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory. In 2010, he received his Ph.D. in polymer chemistry and physics from Fudan University. His main research direction is the research and development and clinical transformation and application of orthopedic implantable functional materials, and his research results have been published in 50 papers in Biomaterials, Bioactive Materials, ACS Nano, Chemical Engineering Journal and other journals. The research results of "magnesium-containing polymer degradable bone repair materials" have been transformed into technology and industry, and multi-center clinical trials have been carried out through the special approval of NMPA innovative medical devices. It has undertaken important projects such as the National Natural Excellent Youth Program, the National Key R&D Program, the "863" Young Scientist Project, and the Innovation Interdisciplinary Team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has won honors such as China Patent Award, Shenzhen Technology Invention Award and Geneva Invention Award.
excellent young scientist foundation of NSFC,Professor, Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Southern University of Science and Technology
Cao Huiling, associate professor (researcher), Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Southern University of Science and Technology, doctoral supervisor, national excellent youth, Shenzhen overseas high-level talent
He has long been engaged in the research of bone development and homeostasis regulation and bone-related diseases. He is a life member of the International Chinese Orthopaedic Research Association (ICMRS), a member of the Youth Development Committee of the International Chinese Orthopaedic Research Association, a member of the Hematology Professional Committee of the Guangdong Society of Immunology of the Chinese Society of Immunology, the deputy leader of the Youth Committee of the Innovation and Transformation Group of the 11th Committee of the Orthopedic Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and the deputy leader of the Basic Research and Medical-Engineering Integration Group of the Sports Injury Committee of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association. He has served as a reviewer for Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, Bone Research, Aging Cell, Acta Pharmacol Sin, and other magazines. Experts in the letter evaluation (excellent youth, key points, facets, etc.) and conference evaluation (general, local, youth, regional joint key, etc.) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Guangdong Province and Hunan Province Jieqing, Youqing and other project evaluation experts. Presided over or participated in national key natural projects, major projects, outstanding youth fund projects, general projects and youth funds, major special projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission basic research projects, etc. His research has been published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Nature Communications, Nature Aging, Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, Diabetes, Bone Research, and Journal of Biological Chemistry, JCI Insight and other international first-class journals published 31 articles, participated in the editing of two monographs, and obtained 3 wholesale patents.

Distinguished young scientist foundation of NSFC,Zhejiang University Qiushi Distinguished Professor

Her research interest covers statistical machine learning and data mining for different applications. He has published more than 180 high-level SCI research papers in authoritative international journals, published 3 Chinese monographs, 1 undergraduate textbook, and authorized more than 60 invention patents. He is the director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Jieqing Project. He has presided over more than 20 scientific research projects including National Natural Science Foundation, national key research and development Program, provincial projects and enterprise cooperation projects. He has won the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education, the first Youth Science and Technology Award of Zhejiang Province and many other provincial and ministerial awards. She has won more than ten academic awards such as the First Prize of Natural Science of Chinese Association of Automation and the First Young Female Scientist Award of Chinese Association of Automation. He is the Senior Editor of Journal of Process Control, the editorial board of three international journals, including Control Engineering Practice and Neurocomputing, and the editorial board of three domestic journals, including Control and Decision.

Distinguished Professor, Department of Endocrinology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University,excellent young scientist foundation of NSFC,

His research interest covers the pathogenesis and treatment of degenerative diseases of the motor system. As the first author/corresponding author, he has published more than 10 SCI papers in authoritative international journals such as Cell Metab, J Clin Invest, Nat Commu, etc. In total, SCI papers have been cited more than 2200 times. He presided over 5 national subject projects. Honors: ASMBR Young Investigator Award, USA, ICMRS Webster Jee Young Investigator Award, International Chinese Osteology Association, Second Prize for Orthopedic Basic Research, Chinese Medical Association, and First Prize for Natural Science of Hunan Province.

Professor, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy/Institute of Orthopedics, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

Professor and doctoral supervisor, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy/Institute of Orthopedics, West China Hospital, Sichuan University. Visiting Scholar, Mayo Clinic Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory, USA. He is currently member of the Materials Biomechanics Branch of the Chinese Society of Biomaterials and member of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Branch of the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering. He presided over a number of "863" key projects, National Natural Science Foundation projects and other projects, published more than 60 papers, edited 1 national university textbooks, participated in editing (translating) 6 monographs, and obtained 8 authorized invention patents. The main research results won the second prize of the first China Medical Science and Technology Award and the first prize of the Ministry of Education Technology Invention Award.

Program for Changjiang Scholars, a top young talent of the National "Ten Thousand People Plan", a leading young and middle-aged talent of science and technology innovation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and a Fellow of the International College of Dentistry

Deputy editor of Frontiers in Dental Medicine, Editorial Board member of Nano Research, International Journal of Oral Science and Chinese Journal of Orthodontics; He has been committed to the research of biomimetic nanomaterials and cranial and maxillofacial tissue regeneration for a long time, and has made innovative discoveries and important breakthroughs in tissue formation mechanism, biomimetic nanomaterials preparation and defect tissue regeneration efficiency. As the first/corresponding author in Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Today and other published 62 academic papers; Won one of the 100 most influential international academic papers in China and highly cited papers on Web of Science; Presided over 14 national and provincial level projects; 8 invention patents were authorized and 1 was converted. 4 provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards; He has won 27 domestic and international academic awards, such as Wu Mengchao Medical Youth Foundation Award, the first National Oral Outstanding Youth Award, and the William J. Gies Award of the International Dental Research Association.

Dean of School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University, Director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of Bone and Joint Degenerative Diseases.,Program for Changjiang Scholars,Distinguished young scientist foundation of NSFC

His main interests are: (1) mechanism of bone and joint degeneration; (2) Study on the injury and repair of bone and cartilage tissue. In recent years, it has undertaken 12 major projects, key projects and Jieqing projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, and won 1 second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 first prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award, 1 first prize of Natural Science Award of Yunnan Province, and 1 second Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangdong Province. He has published 95 papers as the first or corresponding author in journals such as Science, Dev Cell, Nat Aging, Blood, PNAS, Ann Rheum Dis, Adv Sci, J Cell Biol, Nat Commun, PLOS Genet, etc. He has cited his papers more than 4,500 times and was selected as one of China's most Cited Scholars in 2020.

Professor and Vice President of the Medical School of Southern University of Science and Technology, and the first dean of the Department of Biology.

To investigate the molecular basis of bone development and disease. Published 142 SCI articles, 9 CNS sub-journals, 55 IF > 10 papers, 35 nature index papers, 15 book chapters/paper, 85 abstracts of international conferences, a total of about 14000 citations, a total of about 1370 IF, H index 58; He has hosted many international orthopaedic research conferences, international conferences and more than 190 academic reports of famous universities. He presided over the American R01 (multiple), R21, R03, National natural major, key, overseas senior, NFSC-RGC projects, and the Ministry of Science and Technology 973 and major special projects. International Orthopaedic Research Congress awarded more than 10 times; He is the editorial board member of famous international academic journals such as J Bone Miner Res and J Biol Chem, and the reviewer of about 60 international journals. He is an expert in the review of research grants in China, the United States and Italy, and an outstanding alumnus of Peking University Health Science Center (formerly Beijing Medical University) celebrating its 100th anniversary.

Distinguished researcher, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University

In recent years, interdisciplinary research has been carried out mainly focusing on the mechanism and application transformation of the preparation of natural biomaterials with immunogenicity and the regeneration and repair of the musculoskeletal system. Published more than 30 SCI papers with H index of 21 in authoritative international journals such as Nature, Matter, Developmental Cell, Science Advances, JACS and Biomaterials as the corresponding/first author. He presided over 3 major cultivation and surface projects of the National Natural Science Foundation.

Director of Orthopedics Institute of Zhongshan First Hospital, Director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of Bone Science.

Engaged in the pathogenesis of bone and joint diseases, biomaterials and regenerative medicine related research, key technologies and product development, responsible for the randomized double-blind controlled multi-center clinical study of teriparatide in the treatment of low back pain, achieved a series of innovative research results, participated in the development of 3 FDA-registered medical device products.

Professor of Shandong University, doctoral supervisor, National high-level young talent, Shandong Taishan Scholar Young expert, Shandong University outstanding young and middle-aged scholar

The research work focuses on the design and synthesis of biomedical materials and their applications in drug delivery, stem cell differentiation, tissue engineering and other fields. Be the first or corresponding author in Adv. Mater., Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., Acc. Chem. Res., Nat. Nanotechnol. He has published more than 20 papers in other journals and obtained 4 authorized Chinese invention patents. He presided over some tasks of the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, the Major Basic Research Project of Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, and the major Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Project of Ministry of Science and Technology. He is currently Managing Editor of BMEMat and was invited to work as Front. Chem. Guest editor.

Director of Orthopedics Department of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University, Director of Orthopedics Institute of Zhejiang University, Chief committee of Orthopedics Department of Zhejiang Province

Associate editor of World Journal of Emergency Medicine; Editorial board member of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chinese Journal of Orthopedics and JBJS (Chinese Version); corresponding editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Bone Tumor and Bone Disease; Executive editorial Board member of Journal of Practical Oncology.
He presided over 1 national key research and development plan project, 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 2 Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation projects, 1 Zhejiang Provincial Health Department key project, 1 Zhejiang Provincial Higher Education 13th Five-Year Teaching Reform project, 2 Zhejiang University MOOC project of bone science. He has published 50 SCI papers as the corresponding author. In the world, the reconstruction of bone defect after resection of pelvic tumor in the upper femur segment was earlier proposed. The article was published in CORR, the TOP journal of orthopedics. The role and mechanism of epigenetic regulation of CXCL12 in mediating lung metastasis of osteosarcoma and its immune microenvironment was first proposed in the world. The paper was published in Cancer Research.

Director of Sports Medicine Knee Surgery, Peking University Third Hospital, Director of Sports Medicine Institute, Peking University.

1. Research on stem cell drugs, tissue engineering scaffolds, tissue engineering bone, tissue engineering meniscus and tissue engineering cartilage, product transformation and industrialization, and their application in cartilage injury repair, regenerative medicine and sports trauma treatment. 2. Surgical techniques and related basic research of minimally invasive knee replacement for severe knee damage, routine design and personalized design of artificial knee joint for total knee replacement and design of minimally invasive precision surgical tools, 3D printing customization of artificial joint metal, as well as clinical application research and industrialization and clinical application research of these technologies. Research and development of AI hierarchical diagnosis and treatment auxiliary system. 3. Research and development of minimally invasive total knee replacement surgery robots and systems, and related research in minimally invasive precision intelligent total knee replacement, remote virtual + augmented reality surgery technology training and teaching. 4. Anatomical basis, histological basis, AI-assisted diagnostic system, surgical technique, imaging outcome, clinical effect, clinical evaluation method, surgical instrument improvement, fixation device development and innovative design related basic, clinical and engineering research of anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint. And the industrialization and promotion of human allograft patellar tendon for ligament reconstruction. And related research on knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgical robot, remote virtual + augmented reality surgical technology teaching and surgical technology training based on these technologies. 5. Clinical diagnosis and AI-assisted diagnosis of knee meniscus injury, meniscus repair, meniscus transplantation, surgical techniques, surgical instruments, imaging characteristics of the relevant basis, clinical and engineering research, as well as reconstruction meniscus removal human meniscus allograft and tissue engineering meniscus industrialization and promotion.

Deputy Director of Laboratory and Equipment Management, Zhejiang university

Responsible for the management of laboratory and equipment assets, open sharing of large instruments, laboratory safety and other work of Zhejiang University

Executive Deputy Director of Public Technology Platform, Medical School of Zhejiang University, Responsible person of Imaging sub-platform and Neurology credit platform

In 2006, he graduated from Zhejiang University School of Medicine, majoring in Neuropharmacology. From 2010 to 2012, he was a visiting scholar in the Department of Molecular Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA. His research interest is inflammation mechanism in brain injury. This research project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and the Zhejiang Analysis and Testing Foundation. After returning to China, he was responsible for the construction and management of public technology platform, and engaged in neuroscience and optical microscopic imaging technology research.

Head of research, Zhejiang University, Edinburgh University Union College

Responsible for fund application and management, transformation and management of scientific research achievements, public technology platform support and management and laboratory safety management, liaizing with the scientific research departments of the international campus, main campus and the second Hospital of Zhejiang University.
His research focuses on biomedical photonics and brain computer interface, including optical microimaging, neural light control and other technologies and equipment development, as well as artificial intelligence data processing. He has published more than 60 academic papers in Nature Photonics, Molecular Psychiatry, PNAS, Theranostics, Optics Letters, Optics Express, etc. His achievements have been cited more than 20 times by Science, Nature Reviews Physics, Nature Biotechnology and Nature Photonics. One of the results was cited in a Science review article, and highly praised as ""opening the door of a new generation of microscopic technology""; These two achievements were quoted and reported by Nature Reviews Physics [1-18 (2020)]. Presided over the National Natural Science Foundation key, surface, provincial key research and development projects (commissioned by merit), provincial Jieqing and other projects.

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Director of the Center for MusculoSkeletal Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Dr. Xu Cao is a professor of orthopaedic surgery at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His research focuses on the role of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in bone remodeling, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Dr. Cao is the Lee Riley Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and serves as the director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Research at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Director of the Department of Sports Medicine, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University; Director of Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Organ Injury Aging and Regenerative Medicine; Director of the Joint Research Center of Sports Medicine between Xiangya Hospital and International Chinese Osteopedics Association (ICMRS), Central South University; Distinguished Professor of Sublimation Scholars P
He has been engaged in clinical and basic research on motor system injury and rehabilitation for a long time. With extensive, solid theoretical foundation and rich practical experience in sports medicine, I am able to timely grasp the frontier development of this discipline at home and abroad, and have rich clinical work experience and good scientific research and teaching ability. He has high attainments in sports trauma, sports rehabilitation, sports nutrition and sports medical supervision. Especially in the clinical and basic aspects of promoting the healing of motor system injury by various biophysical stimulations, such as Low intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulations, Various physical therapy methods, such as LIPUS, Extracorporeal shock wave and Combined Magnetic Field (CMF), have made outstanding achievements in promoting injury healing of bone-tendon junction. The unique sports rehabilitation technology is used to treat the common bone-tendon junction injuries in sports medicine, such as tennis elbow, periarthritis of shoulder, rotator cuff injury, biceps tendon injury, quadriceps tendon injury, patellar ligament injury, patellar tendinitis, Achilles tendon rupture, Achilles tendinitis and other diseases and has achieved good curative effect.
Professor Lv Hongbin has presided over more than 30 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, special research funds for doctoral programs of universities, key projects of the Ministry of Education for Science and Technology Research, Hunan Natural Science Foundation and other international, national, provincial and ministerial research projects, and has received nearly 15 million yuan of scientific research funding. The related research achievements have been highly recognized by domestic and foreign peers. As the first author, he has won the second prize of Hunan Natural Science Award, the third Prize of Hunan Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award. In 2005, we competitively won the grant of AO Research Fund, an internationally influential research fund for osteomusculature and joint research, which was the first time for mainland China to successfully win the grant of this fund as the principal applicant. In 2010, he received the New Investigator Recognition Award at the 56th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society (the Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society is one of the most influential academic conferences in the profession) in New Orleans, USA. He chaired a subcommittee on "Tendon and Ligament: Biology& Development" at the 58th Annual Conference on Orthopaedic Research (ORS), San Francisco, USA. in 2017, he was awarded the "2016 Excellence in Basic Science Award" (Best Basic Research Award in Orthopedics) at the ORS Annual Meeting in San Diego, USA. Give academic reports at least 3 times a year in international professional academic conferences held abroad. So far, he has published more than 140 papers, including more than 70 SCI indexed papers, edited two monographs, and participated in the compilation of one textbook and one teaching reference book. He has obtained 4 national invention patents. Training and joint training of 20 doctoral students, more than 50 master students

vice director of orthopedics department, research fellow, associate senior doctor of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital

Doctor of Medicine, Postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University, USA, member of the 20th Batch of Doctoral Service Team of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee (Xinjiang aid); Currently, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital Orthopedics Administrative deputy director, researcher, deputy chief physician, doctoral supervisor. He specializes in the research and clinical prevention of tissue adhesion, and has published papers on Adv Mater, Adv Sci and Nat Commun. He presided over the Outstanding Youth project of the National Natural Science Foundation and other subjects; Selected as Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leader, Dawn Program, Shanghai Youth Top-notch Talent program; 17 patents have been authorized and 5 have been converted. He has won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award (R3) and the first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award (R2). He is also the youth Committee member of International Association for Bone Mineral Research, deputy head of Basic Science Group of Youth Committee of Orthopaedic Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, deputy chairman of Youth Committee of Microsurgery Branch of Shanghai Medical Association, and deputy chairman of Youth Committee of Orthopaedic Branch of Shanghai Medical Association.

Associate Professor

The research interest of our lab is in revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying musculoskeletal diseases (osteoarthritis, tendinopathy, and sarcomas) and developing therapeutic strategies against these diseases.

Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Li Ka-shing School of Medicine, University of Hong Kong. He has won the Second Prize of National Natural Science Award,

His research interests focus on the role and function of signaling pathways in genetic development and human disease, with a focus on bone/connective tissue systems and disease. So far, he has published nearly 20 Research papers in Nature, Nature Genetics, Developmental Cell, Cell Research and other internationally renowned journals, which have been cited more than 1400 times.

Assistant Director of Sports Medicine Institute of Fudan University, Vice chairman of Clinical Research Committee of SICOT China, member of Basic Science Group of Chinese Sports Medicine Physicians Association

It has accumulated 8 projects of National Natural Science Foundation (youth and general projects and 6 international exchange and cooperation projects), 1 project of doctoral foundation, 3 projects of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, etc. He has obtained 13 Chinese patents (11 inventions, 2 practical) and published 26 SCI papers as the first, co-first or corresponding author in international professional journals, among which 6 papers are IF&gt. 10,14 articles 10> IF> 5. The maximum score of single paper influence factor was 16.4. He has won the second prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Chinese Medical Association, the second Prize of Scientific Progress of the Shanghai Medical Association, the Golden Award of Shanghai Workers' Technology Innovation, the Excellent Oral Report of the Annual Meeting of Chinese Orthopaedic Surgeons, the Top Ten Medical Youth of Fudan University, "Outstanding Talents", "Excellent Postdoctoral of Fudan University" and other awards and honorary titles.

Director of Computer Aided Drug Design Center, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dean of School of Pharmacy, Shenzhen University of Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was a tenured professor and chair professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Rush University in Chicago.

The pathogenesis and treatment of bone and joint diseases. Knockout and Knockin mice were mainly used as animal models to study the pathogenesis and treatment of osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and hereditary bone diseases, and to explore the role of Wnt/β-catenin, TGF-β and AMPK signaling pathways in their occurrence and development. On the basis of this study, new drugs for the treatment of bone and joint related diseases were developed and their clinical application was discussed.

Chief Scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program, winner of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young People, Shanghai Excellent Academic Leader, Shanghai Outstanding Young Medical Talents, Vice Chairman of the Sports Medicine Branch of Shanghai Medical Association,

From 2008 to 2010, he went to Massachusetts General Hospital Affiliated to Harvard Medical School to complete his doctoral project, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of knee diseases. Especially good at minimally invasive arthroscopic treatment of knee sports injuries, artificial knee replacement, lower limb deformity orthosis, etc. He has undertaken 2 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, published nearly 30 papers, won the "Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award" and other awards for 3 times, and has been selected in the "Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Star Program" and "Shanghai Excellent Young Medical Talent Training Program".

Executive director, chief physician, professor and postdoctoral fellow of the Department of Osteoarthropathy, Gulou Hospital Affiliated to the School of Medicine of Nanjing University, and currently serves as the executive member of Out-of-reach of OARSI.

Jiang Qing, male, chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor, director of sports medicine and adult reconstructive surgery, national outstanding youth. Director of International Arthritis Society, Vice Chairman of Sports Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association, former chairman of Sports Medicine Branch of Jiangsu Medical Association, Vice Chairman of Orthopedics Branch. He is good at arthroscopy, difficult total knee replacement and difficult total hip replacement for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis hip osteoarthritis and femoral head necrosis, and now carries out the number of joint surgery cases first in Jiangsu Province every year. He has won 3 provincial science and Technology Progress awards, 4 Provincial Health Department New Technology Introduction Awards and 2 municipal science and Technology Progress awards. At present, he is researching 5 national scientific research projects and 6 provincial and municipal scientific research projects. At present, he focuses on surgical techniques of artificial joint, basic and clinical research of articular cartilage repair, and surgical treatment of postoperative infection of artificial joint.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Fei Fang is an Assistant Professor in the Leni and Peter W. May Department of Orthpaedics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. Dr. Fang specializes in deciphering cues of tendon mechanobiology and developmental biology. Dr. Fang aims to combine the research results with tissue engineering and cell therapies for promoting regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues, with a focus on tendon, ligament, and meniscus. Dr. Fang graduated from Huaqiao University (China) with a B.A. in Mechanical Engineering, received her M.S. in Mechatronic Engineering from Zhejiang University (China), and then completed her M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis. She joined Mount Sinai in August 2022 to lead the Fang Laboratory for Musculoskeletal Mechanobiology and Cell Niche.

Smart City Forum

Professor, foreign academician of Japanese Academy of Engineering
Junyi Zhang is a full professor in Hiroshima University, a foreign member of The Engineering Academy of Japan, and a World's Top 2% scientist selected by Stanford University. He has been the co-chair of WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society) COVID-19 Task Force, the co-chair of Transportation Planning Subcommittee of WTC (World Transport Convention), and reviewers of European scientific research funds and more than 50 SCI/SSCI-indexed journals. He served as a member of IATBR (International Association for Travel Behaviour Research), the editor-in-chief of Asian Transport Studies, and a member of TRB (Transportation Research Board) subcommittees, etc. His interdisciplinary research fields include transportation planning, transportation engineering, urban and regional planning, environmental and energy policy, health and pandemic policy, planetary health, tourism policy, and human behavior. He has published more than 480 peer-reviewed papers (more than 100 SCI/SSCI papers) in journals such as Nature sub-journals, Transportation Research Part A/B/C/D, Sustainable Cities and Society, Energy, Energy Policy, and Tourism Management. He further published six books and his research was awarded for 12 times by international journals/associations.
Former Chief Engineer and Director of Policy Research Office of Ministry of Transport
Zhou Wei, professor, doctoral supervisor, former chief engineer and director of the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Transport, an expert enjoying special government allowances. He is currently the Chairman of the Expert Committee of the Ministry of Transport. He has served as a Chinese expert member of the 4th, 5th and 6th "China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development", chairman of the Transportation Professional Steering Committee of the Higher Education Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, member of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Expert Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and vice chairman of the 6th and 7th Council of the China Highway and Transport Society. He was elected as a deputy to the 16th and 17th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China.
Prof. Zhou Mainly engaged in highway planning, policy research, highway hub planning, transportation economics and management, highway engineering post-project evaluation and sustainable development of transportation and other fields of research work, has participated in and presided over the completion of more than 50 national, provincial and ministerial level and other scientific research projects, has won 8 provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards, completed China's future sustainable transportation development strategy and policy research project won the China Environment and Development Outstanding Contribution Award issued by Vice Premier Zengpeiyan in November 2006. He has supervised more than 150 doctoral and master's students, published more than 100 papers and 6 books at home and abroad.
Professor, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng, FREng, is the Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London, and Chair in Positioning and Navigation Systems and is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng). He is also the Senior Security Science Fellow at the Institute for Security Science and Technology (ISST) at Imperial College London. Formerly, he was the Head of the Centre for Transport Studies and Co-Director of the ISST at Imperial. He is the current Vice President of the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN).
Prof. Ochieng has undertaken award-winning research in critical infrastructure resilience, user-centric mobility and positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) systems. Examples of his works include the design of positioning and navigation systems (including Europe's EGNOS and GALILEO systems) for land, sea, air and space applications; Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). In 2013, In 2019, he received the Harold Spencer-Jones Gold Medal (the highest award from the RIN) in recognition of his ‘extensive valued advice to policy makers and for pioneering research in safety-critical navigation and positioning systems’.
Former Deputy Chief Engineer of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Chief Chief Engineer of Dongfeng Motor Corporation Technology Center, Chief Scientist of Dongfeng Yuexiang Technology Co., Ltd.
Bachelor and Master of Automotive Engineering Department of Tsinghua University; Doctor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, University of London, UK.
Dr. CHEN Gan engaged in vehicle development and research for more than 30 years, focusing on vehicle dynamics, structural dynamics and simulation analysis. In the past 10 years, the main work is the research on the development of automotive technology strategy. He participated in and presided over the formulation of the 12th, 13th and 14th Five Year Technology Development Plans of Dongfeng Motor Corporation's Technology Center, and participated in the preparation of two automobile new technology R&D enterprises that have a significant impact on the entire automobile industry: China Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (Beijing) Research Institute Co.,Ltd. and China Automative Innovation Corporation.
Expert of the Evaluation Committee of Science and Technology Award Working Committee of China Society of Automotive Engineers; Vice Chairman of NVH Branch of China Society of Automotive Engineers, Vice Chairman of Technical Committee of Chassis Branch; Vice Chairman of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (Vehicle Dynamics); Member of Hubei Provincial Expert Advisory Committee on the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province; National Distinguished Expert, Hubei Provincial Distinguished Expert; An expert of "Special Government Allowance of the State Council."
Dr. ZHANG Lei is responsible for the construction of Alibaba Cloud's industrial intelligent core technology system, the research and development of products and solutions in industries such as city brain, transportation logistics, automobile and autonomous driving cloud, and natural resources, as well as the overall operation and management of the transportation and logistics industry. Before joining Alibaba Cloud, Dr. Zhang served as a full professor, and an outstanding chair professor in a world-renowned university, the Director of the National Smart City Big Data Center, and the Dean of the Scientific Research Institute of Transportation; He has published many monographs and more than 300 international top journals and top conference papers in big data driven urban planning, transportation, industrial digitalization, complex system analysis and other professional fields. Dr. Zhang has served as the Secretary General of the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research, the academic chairman of the Transport and Logistics Branch of the International Association of Operations Research and Management and has won several heavyweight international scientific research awards.

Information Electronics

Assistant Professor in School of Electronic and Electric Engineering, Nanyang Technological University

Dr. Guangwei Hu is an Assistant Professor in School of Electronic and Electric Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received the B.Sc. in physics from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2016, Ph.D. degree from National University of Singapore in 2020, and the postdoctoral training in NUS and Stanford University. He was a visiting scholar in UT Austin and CUNY. His research interest is nanophotonics, including theory, numerical modelling, and materials for broad applications including bio-imaging, computations, photonic chips and others. He has published more than 70 papers, including Nature (4), Nature Photonics, e-Light (3), Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Electronics and many others. His work has been featured as the Top 10 Breakthrough in Physics of 2020 by Physics World, Optics and Photonics News (Year of Optics in 2021), China’s Top 10 Breakthrough in Optics in 2021, and many others. He received the 20th Anniversary Challenge Award from Optica Foundation, Rising Star of Light in 2020 by Light: Science & Applications, NUS President’s Graduate Fellowships and various other awards.

Research Professor

Dr. Song Han received his Ph.D. in Physics from Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in 2020. From 2020 to 2022, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NTU, then he became a research professor at Zhejiang University-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center since June 2022. His research interests focus on terahertz ultrafast physics, photonics/metamaterials, emerging functional semiconductor lasers, and photonic topological insulators, based on which he has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers on many high-impact journals, such as Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., SMALL, ACS NANO, and so on. He also applied for 2 Singapore patents that are under issued.

Research Professor

Dr. Wu’s research interests focus on the theories and applications of polaritonics at the subwavelength regime. He gained his Bachelor and Master degrees from Tongji University and PhD degree from Monash University in 2021, researching near-field polariton optics. After that he joined Zhejiang Lab for intelligent perception researches. In 2022 he joined ZJU-HIC. He has published more than ten papers in top journals, such as Nature, Nature Reviews Physics, Nature Communications, and Advanced Materials, and patented 3 inventions. He was awarded 2021 National Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad.

professor, University of Northumbria at Newcastle

YongQing Fu is a professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Environment, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK. He obtained his PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and then worked as a Research Fellow in Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance, and a Research Associate in University of Cambridge. He has extensive experience in smart thin films/materials, biomedical microdevices, energy materials, lab-on-chip, micromechanics, MEMS, nanotechnology, sensors and microfluidics. He is associate editors/editorial board members for seven international journals, and has co-organized 12 international conferences worldwide.

Postdoc, Zhejiang University

Chengjun Wang received his B.S. degree from Southwest Jiaotong University in 2015 and Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University in 2021. His current research interests include Stretchable Electronics for Healthcare, Functional Diagnosis of Neuromuscular and Human-Machine Interface. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed SCI journal papers under the support of the Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program (2022), the Postdoctoral ChaoYong Program (2021), Dr. Li Dak Sum & Yip Yio Chin Development Fund for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (2022), and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2022).

Postdoc, Zhejiang University

Dr. Shun Zhang earned his doctorate in Solid Mechanics at Zhejiang University in 2021. During 2019-2020, he was a visiting scholar at University of Colorado Boulder. Since August 2022, he joined Zhejiang University as a postdoctoral fellow. His research interests include flexible electronics and advanced transfer printing techniques.

Postdoc, Zhejiang University

Dr. Li Zhang is a postdoctor in the Electromagnetics Academy at Zhejiang University, China. She received the Ph.D. degree in Electronics Science and Technology from the Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University in 2022. She was honored with Post doctoral innovative talent plan (2022). Her current research interests include topological photonics, topological acoustics and non-Hermitian physics. She has published more than 10 peer-reviewed papers in leading scientific journals in Nature, Nature Photonics, Nature communications, Science Bulletin and Advanced Science. Her works have been highlighted by many scientific media, including Physics, Physics World, and Physorg.

Postdoc, Zhejiang University

Dr. Pei-Chao Cao received his bachelor of Science degree from Qingdao University in June 2013. He received his Doctor of Science degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in June 2022. In September 2022, he joined the College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering of Zhejiang University for post-doctoral training. His main research interests are thermal regulation and thermal metamaterials.

Postdoc, Zhejiang University

Dr. Xinyan Zhang graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering in 2017. He earned his PhD in engineering from Zhejiang University in 2022. He is currently engaged in postdoctoral research in Haining International Campus of Zhejiang University, and participated in the chaoyong project this year. He is interested in surface plasmon applications, space-time modulated metamaterials and twisted optics.

PhD Candidate

Min Li received the B.S. degree in Optoelectronic Information of Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, in 2017. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China. He joined in National University of Singapore as a visiting PhD from 2021.10 to 2022.10. His research interests include electromagnetic theory, origami metamaterials, and antennas.

PhD Candidate

Yang Yumeng is a Ph. D. Candidate at the International Research Center of Information Science and Electronics Engineering, Zhejiang University. In 2020, she graduated from the College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering of Zhejiang University. Since 2020, she has been engaged in the research of metamaterials, plasmons, topological electromagnetics, etc. She won the freshman scholarship in 2020 and participated in national key research and development plans many times.Based on the exotic properties and extensive applications of the parity-time symmetry, she proposed a radiative anti-parity-time plasmonic design, and demonstrated space-wave manipulation, which extends the research and application of anti-parity-time symmetry from guided-wave to space-wave systems. The relevant research has been formally accepted by Nature Communications recently.
