Classification Guide

1.The garbage classification in International Campus, Zhejiang University is carried out according to the requirements promulgated in Haining. Currently, there are totally four categories, recyclable waste, kitchen (perishable) waste, harmful waste and other waste, respectively. Specifically, recyclable waste includes paper, metal, glass, plastic products except plastic bags, rubber and rubber products, cloth, beverage bottles, wire, wood, etc.;  Kitchen (perishable) waste includes leftovers, fruit remnants, vegetable stalks, animal bones and viscera, tea leaves, coffee grounds, pet feed, fruit peels, plant residues, waste cooking oil, etc.; Harmful waste includes batteries, used lamp tubes and bulbs, expired drugs, expired daily cosmetics, hair colorants, herbicide containers, discarded mercury thermometers, discarded small household appliances, etc.; Other waste generally refers to the garbage that cannot be classified as the above three  categories.



2Garbage cans setup

1Two garbage cans (recyclable waste and other waste) are placed in each dormitory room. Students are required to dispose the garbage according to the classification requirements and transport it to the garbage can on the first floor by themselves.

2Two garbage cans (perishable waste and other waste) are placed in the leisure area of each floor in the units of the Residential Colleges. Students are required to dispose the garbage according to the classification requirements. Cleaning staff will regularly clean and collect the garbage cans every day.

3Two garbage cans (recyclable waste and other waste) are placed on the first floor in the units of the Residential Colleges. Students are required to dispose the garbage according to the classification requirements. Cleaning staff will regularly clean and collect the garbage cans every day.

4Classified garbage cans are also placed in other areas of the campus (the learning and teaching area, office area, etc.). Students, faculty and staff are required to dispose the garbage according to the classification requirements. Cleaning staff will regularly clean and collect the garbage every day.

5The harmful garbage cans are placed at the reception of Residential Colleges and on the first floor of the Learning and Teaching Building North A respectively, which are used to place expired drugs, batteries, discarded lamp tubes and other harmful waste.


3.Garbage disposal process

Every day the cleaning staff in International Campus will take the sorted garbage bags from the garbage can inside the building, and store them temporarily at the waste transfer station of the campus, and also will check the classification and correct the error. Finally, the garbage bags will be transported by special garbage transport trucks on a regular basis to Haining Waste Management Center, and the filling and sorting-out of garbage transport documents will be carried out.


