All Courses(A-Z)
Course Code
Course Name
5.0 - 5.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
2021/2022 Spring Summer
2021/2022 Fall Winter
2019/2020 Spring Summer
陈大龙, 翟潇
2018/2019 Spring Summer
陈大龙, 卢俊宏
2017/2018 Spring Summer
<p>“Chinese I-IV” are compulsory courses for international undergraduate students, which aims to help them get basic knowledge of the language, practical conversation skills and some cultural knowledge in the language, so that they can adept themselves into the life in China better and get prepared for potential further studies work in China and communications with Chinese speakers. In the series of Chinese courses students’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will all be trained and developed.
Course Code
Course Name
4.0 - 4.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
2021/2022 Fall Winter
Murray,Joanne Fiona
2020/2021 Fall Winter
2019/2020 Fall Winter
邬佳伊, 周金蓉
2018/2019 Fall Winter
陈大龙, 黄彩媛, 卢俊宏, 邬佳伊
“Chinese I-IV” are compulsory courses for international undergraduate students, which aims to help them get basic knowledge of the language, practical conversation skills and some cultural knowledge in the language, so that they can adept themselves into the life in China better and get prepared for potential further studies work in China and communications with Chinese speakers. In the series of Chinese courses students’ skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will all be trained and developed.
Course Code
CS 438
Course Name
Communication Networks
3.0 - 4.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
Layered architectures and the OSI Reference Model; design issues and protocols in the transport, network, and data link layers; architectures and control algorithms of local-area, point-to-point, and satellite networks; standards in networks access protocols; models of network interconnection; overview of networking and communication software.
Course Code
CMN 280
Course Name
Communication, Technology and Society
3.0 - 3.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
2021/2022 Fall Winter
刘博, 张宇, 蒋天骄, 李志远, 史倩玉
2020/2021 Fall Winter
<p>Introduction to theory and research on both old and new communication technologies; focus will be on how these technological systems develop and are used, and what implications of these systems have for culture and society. This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Social &amp; Beh Sci - Soc Sci</p>
Course Code
ECE 198
Course Name
Comp Apps-Discrete Mathematics
1.0 - 4.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
Lectures and discussions relating to new areas of interest. May be repeated in the same or separate terms for unlimited hours if topics vary. See class schedule for topics and prerequisites.
Course Code
PS 241
Course Name
Comparative Politics in Developing Nations
3.0 - 3.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
2020/2021 Fall Winter
<p>Provides comparative and historical insights into the problems affecting the developing world by examining social, economic and political changes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for: Cultural Studies - Non-West Social &amp; Beh Sci - Soc Sci</p>
Course Code
CS 426
Course Name
Compiler Construction
3.0 - 4.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
Compiler structure, syntax analysis, syntax-directed translation, automatically constructed recognizers, semantic analysis, code generation, intermediate language, optimization techniques. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CS 421.
Course Code
ME 447
Course Name
Computational Design and Dynam
4.0 - 4.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
2022/2023 Fall Winter
<p>Provides a hands-on introduction to modern modeling and simulations techniques for heterogeneous structures made of assemblies of soft, elastic slender elements. Such systems are ubiquitous in nature, from animal musculoskeletal architectures to 'birds-nest' composite materials. They are also becoming increasingly relevant in robotics. Students will implement in python their own Cosserat rods-based solver. The developed solver will be then coupled with evolutionary optimization techniques for design, and reinforcement learning for control. 4 undergraduate hours.
Course Code
CS 445
Course Name
Computational Photography
3.0 - 4.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
Computer vision techniques to enhance, manipulate, and create media from photo collections, such as panoramic stitching, face morphing, texture synthesis, blending, and 3D reconstruction. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CS 225, MATH 225, and MATH 231.
Course Code
CS 461
Course Name
Computer Security I
4.0 - 4.0
Parent ID Semester (field_semester) - Any -2016/2017 Fall Winter2016/2017 Spring Summer2017/2018 Fall Winter2017/2018 Spring Summer2018/2019 Fall Winter2018/2019 Spring Summer2019/2020 Fall Winter2019/2020 Spring Summer2020/2021 Fall Winter2020/2021 Spring Summer2021/2022 Fall Winter2021/2022 Spring Summer2022/2023 Fall Winter2022/2023 Spring Summer
Fundamental principles of computer and communications security and information assurance: ethics, privacy, notions of threat, vulnerabilities, and risk in systems, information warfare, malicious software, data secrecy and integrity issues, network security, trusted computing, mandatory and discretionary access controls, certification and accreditation of systems against security standards. Security mechanisms: authentication, auditing, intrusion detection, access control, cryptography, security protocols, key distribution.