Biomedical Sciences
Integrative Biomedical Sciences is a multidisciplinary degree programme that provides opportunities to investigate biomedical sciences in the 21st century. The core structure of the programme provides the knowledge, skills and personal and professional development appropriate to meet the needs of a future career as a leader in biomedical science. The programme provides opportunities to develop skills and knowledge in the biomedical, physcio-chemical and clinical sciences.
In later years focused optional courses provide opportunities to explore the biomedical disciplines of physiology, pharmacology, neuroscience, immunology, reproductive biology, medical microbiology and developmental biology. Integrative Biomedical Sciences is founded on developing skills in academic research and scientific enquiry thereby encouraging awareness and understanding of the research that is needed to continue to advance clinical practice.
Alongside a depth of knowledge in Integrative Biomedical Sciences, graduates will have developed a breadth of skills and experience, including interpersonal skills, critical judgement and computer literacy.
Biomedical Informatics
Biomedical informatics encompasses the study of information and computation in biology and health. Researchers in this area create computational tools to manage, share and study information and generate knowledge from biomedical data.
The first year of the programme is an exciting exploration of the application of biomedical informatics, facilitating student development in the key areas of biomedical sciences. The programme will build extensively on the existing BSc Biomedical Sciences courses which students will study together with peers from this programme while introducing new courses in all four years.
The goal of the programme is to train undergraduate students in the overarching principles of Biomedical Informatics and apply these skills in fundamental biomedical research.