International Campus, as an important educational and strategic base of Zhejiang University, focuses on building an internationally cooperative cross-disciplinary research platform and innovation mechanism for global major challenges.


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International Campus strives to fully integrate policy, science and technology, talent, capital, finance and other elements through online and offline channels, so as to promote the transformation of technological achievements.


Research Center


ZJU-UIUC Joint Research Center

Zhejiang University (ZJU) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois) have formed a joint research enterprise, the Dynamic Research Enterprise for Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences (DREMES).

The Fintech Security International Research Center

The Fintech Security International Research Center is a research platform established by multiple colleges and multiple disciplines on the international campus of Zhejiang University. The focus of the center’s research effort is on financial technology, network security, computing intelligence, blockchain, big data in cooperation with leading ministries, research labs and other world-leading universities.


International Research Center for Information Science and Electronic Engineering

International Research Center for Information Science and Electronic Engineering is jointly built by the International Campus, Zhejiang University and the School of Information and Electronic Engineering of Zhejiang University, facing the international frontier field of information electronics, positioning international and intersecting scientific research and teaching bases, and establishing a close cooperative alliance with international top research institutions, and is committed to building a world-class research and demonstration base for international cooperation in information electr


International Research Center for Advanced Photonics

International Research Center for Advanced Photonics is jointly constructed by the College of Optical Science and Engineering and Haining International Campus, Zhejiang University, relying on “Joint International Research Center for Optoelectronic Technology (Ministry of Science and Technology)” and “Joint International Research Laboratory of Photonics (Ministry of Education)”. The research center is oriented to the international frontier field of optics and has strong alliance with international top research institutions, aiming to build a world-class advanced photonics international cooperation research demonstration base.