Dr.Yu Zhiyuan: Chinese Writing Guidance Program

Dr.Yu Zhiyuan: Chinese Writing Guidance Program
Event Time:2017.03.25 - 02:30
Event Location:
Event Summary
Event Date and Time: 
24th March, 2017  18:30

Multi-purpose Hall, Residential College

All students

Dr.  Yu Zhiyuan is an assistant professor of sociology at Fudan University School of Social Development and Public Policy. Her major research areas include social and civic organizations, philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, and political sociology. Dr. Yu's current research focuses on the effectiveness of social organizations, and the development of social enterprises in China. Her research paper on Community Voluntary Services in Shanghai has won the best article award from Shanghai Bureau of Civil Affairs. Her articles have been published on Social Forces, Voluntas, Sociological Studies, Youth Research and other journals. She is the author of the book entitled Funding and Organzational Strategies of Social Organizations in China. Dr. Yu holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in sociology from the University of Chicago, and B.A. from Fudan University.

Residential College, Office of Student Affairs