Excellent Military Training Performance of Freshmen from International Campus


The military training for all freshmen started on Zijingang Campus on August 28. The freshmen from International Campus had outstanding performance in the military training as well as in arts and sports activities, receiving positive remarks from the chief officer and military trainers. They won the third place in the chorus competition.

Professor He Lianzhen, Vice President of Zhejiang University and Dean of International Campus, and Fu Qiang, Assistant President of Zhejiang University and Secretary of Party Working Committee of International Campus, visited the military trainers and the freshman trainees on September 1. 

Professor He stated, “You will never feel regret about having a military training experience in your life.” She shared her own training stories to motivate the freshmen to complete the training as required. Talking about the purpose and significance of military training, Professor He referred to a letter from parents to a freshman, agreeing greatly with the three words of independence, self-discipline and cooperation mentioned in the letter. She pointed out that students should reflect on the meaning of these three words throughout the three-week long military training and bear them in mind in future studies, life and work.

The freshmen will take the English Immersion Course and attend opening ceremonies after the military training.
