iZJU Staff Sent to ZJU Admin Offices for Exchange




International Campus has recently kicked off a new training program. Seven young staff members were sent to their corresponding administrative offices at the university for a semester-long exchange. QU Lijuan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party Committee, and Vice Dean of International Campus attended the launch meeting and delivered a speech.  


QU Lijuan pointed out that young staff are an important force to the development of iZJU at its new development stage. They play a key role in the enhancement of iZJU’s governance level. Young staff are active in thinking and good at innovation but lack systematic learning and work experience in key administrative positions. To address this weakness, iZJU launched this new staff training program. By sending young staff to their corresponding administrative offices to “learn by doing”, the program aims at building a staff team with a broad vision, professional quality and creative ability. She put forward three hopes for the trainees. First, fully understand the importance of the program and make good preparation in advance. Second, cherish the opportunity, integrate into the new team, and showcase the staff team of iZJU. Third, accomplish "three tasks", namely to conduct in-depth research and finish a report, organize a meeting between the two offices, and give a presentation sharing the experience.

CHEN Ye, Director of the Human Resources Office, introduced the iPRIDE Staff Training Program, of which the exchange program is an important part.

At the meeting, the trainees shared their expected goals and research plans based on their current jobs. The leaders of all dispatching units expressed their support to the program and raised some expectations for the trainees.

The launch meeting was hosted by CHEN Ye. All trainees and their supervisors attended the meeting.

After the meeting, the first batch of seven selected trainees, accompanied by the leaders of iZJU, reported to their new posts at the General Affairs Office, the Undergraduate School, the Graduate School and the Sci-Tech Academy of Zhejiang University.


Article and Translation: XU Liping, SHEN Yi

Pictures: SHEN Yi

Editor: SUN Xiaolei

Managing Editor: LI Yinan