Hidden Garden on Campus


Golden Autumn Season
with shades of orange and green,
Adjacent to the east gate of the International Campus,
Lies a magnificent floral paradise,
Expanding across an expanse of 17,640 square meters.

The Seeds section boasts a variety of flowers like the Persian Chrysanthemums, Sulfur Chrysanthemums, sunflowers, and tipsy butterfly flowers, blooming twice a year during the graduation season in June and the new student’s orientation season in October.

In the Perennials area, you'll find honey grass, which blooms from October to November, adorned with deep red, velvety spike-like flowers. As they sway in the breeze, these blossoms emit a sweet, honey-like fragrance, weaving a picturesque and romantic ambiance.

Aerial views reveal the iconic “Seeking Truth” falcon and “I ❤ iZJU” inscriptions, evoking a rich history of Zhejiang University’s longstanding motto of “Seeking Truth and Pursuing Innovation.” Here, International Campus students carry forward Zhejiang University's legacy, fuelled by their love for the campus and their thirst for knowledge, striving for global transformation.

This floral paradise serves as a practice base for building a sustainable campus: integrating education, research, and landscaping. From its inception to upkeep, sustainable development principles are followed. The garden was built with minimal intervention, and the campus garden waste is repurposed as the base fertilizer for use back in the garden, forming a sustainable closed-loop system. Additionally, discarded laboratory electrostatic flooring is recycled to pave the main entrance plaza, while ensuring both aesthetics and environmental friendliness are respected.

Throughout the year, students and staff on campus can cultivate seasonal fruits and vegetables within the vegetable garden located in the northeast corner of the garden. During the harvest season, yields are shared with Haining's public welfare vegetarian restaurant, spreading the joy and rewards of labor to a broader community.

Article: CHEN Kang
Photos: CHEN Minrui, ZHU Zhouyue
Video: CHEN Minrui, XIONG Weiwei, JIANG Shunbin, NIE Xinmiao, CHEN Jinpeng
Editor: LI Jinke, LI Yinan
Translator: XIONG Weiwei
English Editor: Loigen Sodian
Managing Editor: XUE Qian
Reviewer: WU Fengbin