Forum of Frontier Optical Communication 2020 (FFOC2020) held on Campus


December 12, 2020, the Forum of Frontier Optical Communication 2020 was held on International Campus, Zhejiang University. This forum was co-organized by the School of Optoelectronics Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, the International Research Center For Advanced Photonics, the Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research and Technology, the Joint International Research Laboratory of Photonics, the National Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instruments, and China Laser Magazine, and Professor Dai Daozi, the director of the International Research Center for Advanced Photonics, served as the chairman of the conference. Scholars from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Soochow University, Danish University of Science and Technology, National Research Institute of Canada and other universities and research institutes, as well as 40 experts and scholars from optical companies such as China Telecom, China Unicom, Huawei, Finisar, etc., came to the conference. This forum was conducted through thematic reports combined live online, together with on-site discussion and exchange.


The forum mainly discussed three aspects: optical communication networks, optical communication systems, and optical communication devices. It was hosted by Professor Shen Gangxiang from Soochow University, Professor Tang Ming from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Professor Liu Liu from Zhejiang University. Experts were invited to conduct nearly twenty thematic reports, introducing the development status of the optical communication field and discussing the development trends and main points of key technologies in the future. At the end of the forum, the chairman of the conference, Professor Dai Daozin, made a summary. On December 13, the forum closed smoothly.


This forum provides a high-level academic exchange platform for experts and scholars in the field of optical communication, which promotes technological development and talent growth in the fields of optics, optoelectronics, and optical communication. At the same time, it summarizes and judges the future development trend of optical communication and provides references for the development of the optical communication industry.