


为全面推进落实中美两国元首旧金山会晤共识及习近平总书记关于未来5年邀请5万名美国青少年来华交流学习的重大倡议,中方设立“美国青年使者交流学习计划”(Young Envoys Scholarship,以下简称 YES 项目)。近日,教育部在全国范围内遴选出首批面向美国青少年来华学习交流的优质项目,浙江大学海宁国际校区3个项目入选。


1. “中美青年全球课堂” 寒暑期学校 Global Classroom Summer (Winter) Program

2. LEAP全球暑期项目 LEAP Global Summer Program

3. “感知中国”学分生项目 Understanding China Credit Program

 “中美青年全球课堂” 寒暑期学校 

Global Classroom Summer (Winter) Program

“全球课堂”是高等教育国际化的一种创新模式,浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院(ZJUI)自2020年起,以工程导论课程(ENG 100-Engineering Orientation)为试点,展开了全球课堂(Global Classroom)的探索。ZJUI基于工程导论课程(ENG 100-Engineering Orientation)发起线下“中美青年全球课堂”项目。项目围绕“可持续发展”这一全球性主题展开。



LEAP Global Summer Program



2023 LEAP Summer School @ZIBS


Understanding China Credit Program




Faria Nishat Shama 孟加拉国 

Participating in the ZJUI's Smart City Module of ZJU 2023 SDG Global Summer School was instrumental in developing my collaborative and interdisciplinary skills as an industrial design engineer. 

As an international student from Bangladesh studying in China, I felt a deep sense of pride to be part of the program, particularly in light of the adoption of SDGs at the UN Sustainable Development Summit. This achievement underscores the importance of global collaboration in achieving sustainable progress and highlights the crucial role of innovative solutions like smart city concepts in addressing urban challenges. 

Alvaro Paredes Amorin 西班牙

The LEAP program helps me adapt to Chinese society more smoothly. It's very interesting to see how we could get used to the new habits like paying by Alipay and smartphone. I also learned a lot during the lectures, like about fintech development in China.


I had an opportunity to join the C-Walk day trip to the China National Silk Museum in Hangzhou with other international students. It was a great chance to get to know each other better and create good memories together. I especially liked the tie-dye experience- it was fun, and we could also create a unique souvenir to keep with us for a long time. I hope there will be more C-walks that enable us to experience Chinese culture.
