News The 2nd International Campus Games Held LIN Jianhua Advises Students to Liberate Their Minds and Open up Boundaries at the 11th High Table Dinner Sino-US Collaborative Education University Presidents' Round Table Meeting Held at ZJU More > AllCampus NewsAcademic AffairsResearch NewsFigureCampus ActivityMedia News Students Win Gold Medals at the Innovation Competition 2024-07-23 First International Competition on Modern Bamboo Structure Building Design rounds off: ZJUI freshmen cut a striking figure! 2022-06-11 A ZJUI freshman was awarded the Winner of UIUC Rhetoric Student Essay Contest 2022-03-25 International Campus wins Special Prize of Zhejiang Provincial Teaching Achievement Award 2022-03-09 Professor LEE Der-Horng named dean of ZJU-UIUC Institute 2021-11-05